Category: MTM Blog
Mr. Courtney

Who is HOWL?

Welcome member of The MTM Wolfpack to the MTM HOWL Online Newspaper, the best source of news in all of MTM. Meet your editors: Mr.

MTM Blog
Dimitry Morgan

MTM Student Survey 2022

Please complete the survey below. If you answer any no questions, the form will require that you leave a response. Thank you for your time.

MTM Blog
Dimitry Morgan

MTM Girl Bosses

The MTM Girl Boss club meets together to learn and help other girl bosses with production, marketing, sales, advertising and networking. The girls are working

MTM Blog

Community Schools

We invite you to join us in celebrating Millennial Tech Middle School becoming one of the first community schools in the San Diego Unified School District!

Gate Access Change

Hello Parents!  Bus Loop on Hilltop Drive will be closed daily at 8:00 A.M. Tardy students, early pick-ups and visitors please access campus through entrance

MTM logo and dress code video
MTM Blog
Dimitry Morgan

MTM’s New Dress Code

Hello MTM! Today we will be talking about our school’s new dress code. Recently SGT took a vote on the school’s dress code to make

MTM Blog
Dimitry Morgan

